A Global Desi

Hello there! I’m Neha Molugu. I’m so glad you’re here, reading my story! I’m pretty flattered actually! :)

Born & raised in Hyderabad, India - I had the opportunity to live & work in Paris, Singapore, New York & Shanghai with fortune 500 companies like Google, L’Oreal & ABInBev over the years. I studied at Shri Ram college of commerce & INSEAD.

My love for people & culture has taken me to more than 50 countries so far and I hope to visit every country in the world before my time on this planet is up!

I am inspired by what it means to be human - the beauty & the mess. I love biryani, the ocean & experimenting with my hair!

MANTRA : You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You’re on your own and you know what you know. And YOU are the one who’ll decide where to go!

I used to be an “Insecure Overachiever”

If you asked anyone who observed my life from the outside, they’d say, I had it all! A successful career, amazing friends, a supportive family & tons of adventures. Well, Yes! I did.

But then was an emptiness inside of me that I couldn’t quite place a finger on - A voice that was filled with self doubt & I didn’t quite understand it.

My insecurities were deeply etched in my subconscious & manifested in the form of imposter syndrome, seeking external validation, being in relationships with emotionally unavailable men & low self worth!

The Journey

Over the years, I experimented with many healing & awareness modalities in the pursuit of finding myself . Therapy, Plant medicine, Theta healing, NLP, Retreats & Seminars, Health coaching & more.

I did find myself and I continue to peel layers each day.

On this journey, what I also found is this..

# There is no ONE way to heal and step into your power. Life doesn’t happen in compartments. One area of life spills over into another & it’s important to have a holistic approach to wellness & healing.

# It’s crucial to work with those coaches whom you feel safe with & are right for YOU.

# You gotta remember that you’re never alone. There are many other beautiful humans going through similar experiences & Collective transformation & bonding often accelerates our healing as we support one another through our shared trauma.

# And that sustainable change happens by taking baby steps consistently!

The Human Inspired

Inspired by my own transformative journey, in everything I do, I want empower human beings. I believe that each of us can live a life rooted in freedom, alignment & purpose. We can be conscious leaders & creators.

So, here I am, taking a leap of faith with THE HUMAN INSPIRED after 10 years in the corporate world. My soul aligned business.

Through this company, my mission is - To be able to create deeply transformative experiences to support others in their journey of self discovery. To bridge spiritual tools with leadership tools to overcome our fears and be better leaders, change makers & creators of the future.

Grounding Principles

Abundance : A deep appreciation for life in its in fullness.

Trust : Do what you say & Say what you do.

Fun & Joy : From there to here and here to there, there are funny things everywhere.

Adventure : Magic happens outside your comfort zone.

Nature : Respect & Love your mother

Collective : We are stronger together

I see a disconnect between leadership and spirituality; some people see spiritual tools or energy work as woo woo. But I believe that when we do the inner work it only helps us be better leaders and creators.

Anara (powerful & complete)

I created ANARA with the vision of empowering women to live their best lives!

The coaches, tools & lessons here have personally helped me step into my power & live a life I love inside out.

We pair leadership tools with spiritual tools (such as yoga, meditation, energy healing), to help women become better leaders, entrepreneurs and team mates. 

We approach wellness from all areas of life – financial, sexual, health, nutrition, spiritual and career. One of the key elements of these experiences is “integration”, how we can incorporate what we learn at the retreat in our daily lives for sustainable and long term changes in our lifestyle. 

This experience has equal focus on awareness, community & integration - so that once you leave the retreat, you’re going back with a set of practical tools that you can use in your daily lives & a group of friends who will hold you accountable to make changes! :)

Believe in yourself. We underestimate our own potential a lot of times. The inner voice you have is there for a reason.

Getting out of your comfort zone

Trust them when they said “Nothing great came out of staying in your comfort zone”. Every experience designed at THE HUMAN INSPIRED will be sure to take you out of your comfort zone - be it traveling to a new place you wouldn’t have otherwise or digging deep within to face those shadows. We will be facing our fears and coming out stronger - And we will do this together! Remember that everything you want is on the other side of fear!